Parul University (Lead University )
Linde Engineering India Pvt Ltd (Indian Industry Partner )
University of Surrey , London , UK ( UK Academic Partner )
Exploring the Use of Artificial intelligence, IoT and Block Chain technologies for planning, design and development of smart cities through by
During year 2023-24, 6 students of B.Tech and 3 students of M .Tech and 1 Ph D scholar are taking active part in the project. Students are mentored by not only faculty members of PU but also by professionals of Linde Engineering India, Pvt Ltd and University of Surrey, UK. Their performance is reviewed by experts periodically.
Under this project, so far we have organised 5 workshops and in total 459 engineers participated out of which 82 faculty members, 3 industry professionals, 374 students of Engineering of various Universities like Parul University, M S University, Gujarat Technological University etc., have participated. Feedback was collected from all participants. Overall feedback from all participants was good and many have appreciated themes as well as modalities.